Top 10 TypeScript Interview Questions: A Light-hearted Guide for Web Devs
Hello there, fellow web warriors! 🚀
So you’ve got a TypeScript interview coming up? Ready to show off your superhero coding skills? But wait — just like Batman never goes into a fight without his utility belt, you shouldn’t walk into an interview unprepared. Fear not! Here’s your TypeScript utility belt: a list of the top 10 questions, with a pinch of humor and a sprinkle of real-world examples. Let’s get started!
Q. What is TypeScript and why would one use it over JavaScript?
JavaScript is like a box of chocolates, you never know what type you’re gonna get!
TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript that adds optional static typing. It catches errors early, offers better refactoring, and brings OOP features to the table, making large codebases more manageable. Essentially, TypeScript provides the safety net that JavaScript lacks.
Q. How do you define types in TypeScript?
let myString: string = "Hello World!";
let myNumber: number = 42;
TypeScript — where you actually declare what you want, and not let the universe decide.
Q. What are interfaces in TypeScript?
Interfaces allow you to define the shape or structure of a particular object. It’s like setting ground rules for your data — because even data needs boundaries sometimes!
interface Person {
firstName: string;
lastName: string;
age?: number; // Note the '?' meaning age is optional!
Q. Can you explain what ‘generics’ are in TypeScript?
Generics are like a Swiss army knife — adaptable and multi-functional!
Generics allow you to create reusable components by providing a way to capture the type passed in as a parameter.
function identity<T>(arg: T): T {
return arg;
Q. How do you handle optional parameters in TypeScript?
Because sometimes, commitment is hard.
function greet(name?: string): string {
return "Hello, " + (name ? name : "Stranger") + "!";
Q. What is the difference between let
and const
in TypeScript?
Same as in JavaScript — let
is for variables that will change, and const
is for those eternal constants that shall not be moved!
Q. What’s a union type and how is it useful?
A union type walks into a bar. The bartender says, “Are you a string or a number today?”
let mixedType: string | number;
mixedType = "hello"; // Okay
mixedType = 7; // Still okay
Q. How do decorators work in TypeScript?
Decorators provide a way to add annotations and modify classes and properties at design time.
Think of decorators as those fancy toppings on your latte. They add flair and functionality!
Q. Explain type inference in TypeScript.
Answer: It’s TypeScript’s way of guessing the type when you don’t declare one. Basically, it’s TypeScript playing Sherlock!
let x = 3; // TypeScript infers that x is a number
Q. How do you implement an async function in TypeScript?
Async functions are like that waiter who says, “I’ll be right back with your order!” and you can chat until then.
async function fetchData(): Promise<string> {
// ... code to fetch data
return "data";
There you have it, folks! A fun-filled crash course on TypeScript’s most asked questions. Remember, just like any superhero movie, it’s not all about the action scenes. Understanding the basics deeply is the key.
Good luck, web warriors! May the TypeScript force be with you!
I hope this fits the bill! Remember, interviews are not just about getting the answers right but also about showcasing your problem-solving process. Adjust the content as per your needs, and best of luck!
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