Browser Caching Showdown: Disk Cache vs. Memory Cache!” 💾💭

4 min readOct 6, 2023


Hey there, digital explorers! 🚀

Ever had to choose between that extra slice of cheesecake and a light, airy macaron? Well, browsers face similar dilemmas when storing cache, but it’s between Disk and Memory! Let’s munch through the details, sprinkled with some nerdy giggles!

1. The Big Picture: What’s Caching? 🎨

Before diving deep, let’s skim the surface. Caching is like a browser’s backpack. It keeps often-used stuff handy so it doesn’t have to go all the way back home (the server) every time!

2. Disk Cache: The Reliable Hard Drive of Treats! 🍪💾

Imagine you’ve got a cookie jar at home. You need to walk to it (takes time), but it holds a lot of cookies!

How it works: When you visit a website, certain assets are stored on your device’s hard drive. These can be images, stylesheets, scripts, and more.

<!-- Example: A typical image cached on disk -->
<img src="cute-kitten.jpg" alt="Disk cached image">


  • Longevity: Items can be cached for weeks or even months.
  • Space: Disk cache offers abundant storage.


  • Speed: Accessing the hard drive takes a tad longer compared to memory.

3. Memory Cache: The Quick Pocket Snack! 🚀🧠

Now, think of memory cache as keeping a single chocolate in your pocket. Super quick to access but, alas, only one choco treat.

How it works: Assets are stored in the device’s RAM for ultra-fast access, but only while the browser is open.

Example with serviceworker:

Service Workers provide a more sophisticated mechanism to cache resources, especially when combined with the Cache API. They allow you to intercept network requests, cache assets, and serve them directly from the cache, providing an opportunity to create more advanced in-memory caching systems.

Let’s create a simple Service Worker that uses the Cache API for an in-memory cache mechanism:

- Registering the Service Worker:

In your main JavaScript file (e.g., main.js):

if ('serviceWorker' in navigator) {
.then(registration => {
console.log('Service Worker registered with scope:', registration.scope);
.catch(error => {
console.error('Service Worker registration failed:', error);

- Creating the Service Worker:

Create a new file named service-worker.js in your root directory:

const CACHE_NAME = 'in-memory-cache-v1';
const urlsToCache = [

self.addEventListener('install', event => {
// Pre-cache resources
.then(cache => {
return cache.addAll(urlsToCache);
self.addEventListener('fetch', event => {
// Check cache for the request
.then(response => {
// Return cached response if found, otherwise fetch from network
return response || fetch(event.request);

This Service Worker caches a list of resources when installed and serves them from the cache whenever the browser makes a request for them. If a resource isn’t found in the cache, it’s fetched from the network.

This example provides a form of in-memory cache, as the Service Worker’s caches exist in the browser’s memory (though technically, it could be persisted to disk based on browser’s discretion and cache management policies).

To effectively utilize Service Workers for caching:

  1. Make sure your site is served over HTTPS since Service Workers can only be registered on secure origins.
  2. Update the cache version (e.g., change CACHE_NAME to 'in-memory-cache-v2') when you update any of your assets. This will force the Service Worker to refresh the cache.
  3. Test your Service Worker thoroughly to ensure that it doesn’t unintentionally block or break any resources or functionalities.

What to choose ?

well think like this, Heading to a music fest, you’d store your tent (big, rarely used) in your car (disk cache) and keep the ticket (small, frequently used) in your pocket (memory cache). It’s all about smart, quick access vs. bulk storage!

Alright, my savvy screen navigators, from pros to fresh-faced newbies, caching isn’t just techno-jargon. It’s all about ensuring web adventures are swift and smooth. Ready to optimize that cache strategy?

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Stay curious, cache smartly, and keep munching through the codescape! 🍰🖥️

Now, if you found this insightful, toss me a shout on my Medium, Twitter, or LinkedIn. Or simply share it with other wandering souls in the world of web dev! 🌐 Cheers and keep the code flowing! 🍻🖥️



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