10 React Hook Techniques You Must Know to Level Up Your React Web Development
React Hooks are a powerful feature that were introduced in React 16.8. They provide an alternative to using class components, allowing developers to write more efficient, reusable, and functional code. By leveraging these hooks, developers can write more readable and maintainable code, while also simplifying complex logic and reducing the amount of boilerplate. In this article, we will explore 10+ advanced React hooks that you must know to level up your React web development skills. These hooks are designed to solve common problems that developers encounter, such as managing state, handling events, and more. So, let’s dive in and discover how these hooks can help you improve your React skills!
1.useRef — This hook allows us to create a mutable reference that persists throughout the lifetime of the component. It can be used to store any mutable value, such as a DOM node.
2. useReducer — This hook is an alternative to useState that allows us to manage more complex state in our functional components. It takes a reducer function and an initial state and returns the current state and a dispatch function to update it.
3. useMemo — This hook allows us to memoize expensive computations in our functional components. It takes a function that returns a value and a list of dependencies, and only re-runs the function if the dependencies change.
4. useLayoutEffect — This hook is similar to useEffect, but runs synchronously after all DOM mutations. It can be used to read layout information from the DOM and perform any necessary updates.
5.useImperativeHandle — This hook allows us to expose specific functions of a child component to its parent component. It takes a ref object and a function that returns an object with the exposed functions.
6.useMutationEffect — This hook is similar to useLayoutEffect, but runs after all the DOM mutations are committed to the browser. This can be useful for performing synchronous state updates.
7.useMedia — This hook allows us to conditionally render components based on media queries. It takes a media query
as an argument and returns a boolean value that indicates whether the media query matches.
8. useInterval — This hook allows us to create a recurring timer in our functional components. It takes a callback
function and a delay
as arguments and returns a function that can be used to cancel the interval.
9.useClickOutside — This hook allows us to detect clicks outside of a specified element in our functional components. It takes a ref
and a callback
function as arguments and calls the callback when a click occurs outside of the element.
10.useDebounce — This hook allows us to debounce the execution of a function in our functional components. It takes a function
and a delay
as arguments and returns a debounced function that delays the execution of the original function.
By utilizing these 10 React hooks, you can take your web development skills to the next level and improve the efficiency and effectiveness of your functional components. Happy coding!
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